Included Files

Källa: Code tutor | | When you include a file inside a parent file, the scope of variables defined in the included file will be the same as the variable scope at that particular line. However, any functions and classes that you have defined in the included file will have a global scope. Let’s … Läs mer

Status inlägg!

Filter: #036-02 Zendesk API (requester:16878921139858) Visar öppna (requester:16878921139858%20type:ticket%20status:open) Visar alla (requester:16878921139858)   Validering ver 1.3 status:OK  

Vad är json

Källa: | | What is JSON? JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) är ett lättviktigt datautbytesformat. Det är enkelt för människor att läsa och skriva. Det är enkelt för maskiner att parsa och generera. JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation JSON is a lightweight data-interchange format JSON is plain text written in JavaScript object notation JSON is used to … Läs mer

Validering ver 1.3 status:OK

Cyklar: SE-CCZ | SE-CAA [ filter requester:xxxxxxxxxx] [ filter requester:368561856160]

Plattform: | IT status [ filter requester:14198973764626]

Projekt: Labbet pågående [ filter requester:16878921139858]

Plats: Björkhimlen [ filter requester:xxxxxxxxxx]

Paginering     php cURL

Ver 1.2 shortcode filter=

Nedan shortcode list search result filter = “querystring” Attribut “?query=type:ticket%20status:open&sort_by=created_at&sort_order=asc” “?query=type:ticket%20status:open&sort_by=created_at&sort_order=desc” “?query=type:ticket%20status:closed&sort_by=created_at&sort_order=desc”    

[shortcode] med attribut

Källa: codex.wordpress |shortcode api | shortcode syntax | attribute: null | status=”open” | status=”closed” Nedan stortcode list search result status closed